Happy New Year HorNets!
Let’s make it a good one. Start by contacting your MP to urge them to join the All Party Parliamentary Group on Leasehold and Common Hold Reform. This group is looking at land and property reform in view of the exploitation of their constituents who are leaseholders. The recent debate (20th December 2016) highlighted the problems ordinary home owners face when up against greedy land owners and maintenance companies. We are in a similar situation and need to get the private estate model stopped before more new home owners become trapped. The co chair, Jim Fitzpatrick did mention our problems in his introductory speech. You can watch the debate here – http://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/5069cc08-aeee-4451-93d8-fef9b0802407?in=14:31:10
For more information about the group take a look at http://www.leaseholdknowledge.com/category/mps-appg-on-leasehold
Don’t miss this golden opportunity to include our issues in any proposed reforms – TAKE ACTION – write to your MP now! You can use this template as a basis APPGMP