Another Survey

The government are conducting another survey – this time about the regulation of property agents. It is open for input by freehold home owners as well as leaseholders, so please fill it in – if parts do noy apply to you that is OK. HorNet will be completing a response on behalf of members nearer the closing date on 18th November. If there is anything you want us to add in our response please comment here, in our FaceBook group or the private forum.

Suggestions so far include:

For more competition and choice, compulsory Residents Management Companies controlled by residents. Land ownership transferred to residents in common if not offered to council for adoption. A quality control enforcement process to avoid sub standard estates being transferred for maintenance – local councils to be funded and empowered to do this? Ban the embedding of a company in the legal documents. This should leave residents free to choose their managing agent and drive up standards through market forces.  Implement something like the Property Factors register in Scotland, and enforce standards. You shouldn’t really need an arbitration service if the residents are commissioning their own services, it would be a normal commercial contract. However, if there is a dispute resolution service, it should be free or very low cost, and unbiased.

Just something to think about before you fill it in. You can do this here – survey.


One Reply to “Another Survey”

  1. I haven’t been able to sell my property for the price agents have valued it for. Normally properties sell with 4-6months in my area. 7 months on not a buyer in sight. The biggest difference between my property and older properties is that they dont have this maintenance charge and new builds DO NOT declare the hidden charges- as they have no come back once the sale in complete. That is the current property law

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