FaceBook Roundup

We now have over 3000 members!

Issues reported and discussed by members over the last month include:

  • Several prospective new build purchaser have walked away when they found out about unregulated estate maintenance charges.
  • One member reports difficulties after the builder owned management company went bust. A Carillionesque sign of things to come? Certainly a long term risk for this form of privatisation of public open spaces.
  • More and more examples are being reported of home owners being unable to find out exactly what they are paying for. Management companies simply ignore or refuse to answer requests for detailed a breakdown of costs incurred.
  • We have heard of several instances of huge obstacles being put in the way of residents who wish to manage the company themselves, even when their legal documents say they can!
  • HorNets are still working away on their MPs, highlighting the unfairness of the private estate model, and the complete lack of any effective regulatory mechanism to prevent the large and unjustified increase in charges which many face in addition to rises in council tax.


One Reply to “FaceBook Roundup”

  1. I live in a Morris homes since 2014 and have a £400 ground rent per annum and £150 per annum service charge which is going up year on year for no work whatsoever. The site is finished but we still have no control over the site, I have been advised to join this group.

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