Important Debate on 21st December

Sir Peter Bottomley, co chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Leasehold and Common Hold Reform is introducing a debate in Westminster Hall on Thursday 21st December. 1.30pm.

It begins “This house has considered leasehold and common hold reform and leasehold abuses”.

We all know only too well that most estate charges are too high for what is being delivered, with monopoly management companies enforcing payment via one sided vaguely written deeds/lease agreements.

Now is a great time to urge your MP to attend this debate and add to the already long list of abuses in the leasehold sector the private estate with rent charge/service charges.  This is going to become the next new scandal relating to exploitation of home owners by the plc building companies.

HorNet will be writing to Sir Peter, asking him not to leave us out. The whole business model is abusive. We believe this is “son of leasehold” and not only exploits home owners regardless of tenure, but ultimately will lead to slums of the future because the work is not being done to an acceptable standard, with no monitoring being done by councils to ensure section 106 standards are met and no line of accountability to the charge payer either.



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