We applaud the Welsh Assembly for commencing a consultation on Estate Charges and urge everyone affected by these charges in Wales to submit their stories. We can only hope that Westminster and the other devolved housing departments follow suit.
To take part in the consultation please go to this link: https://gov.wales/estate-charges-housing-developments
The questions asked of each party in this consultation suggest the author(s) have taken trouble to fully listen and understand the issues as they are faced in reality.
While I am not resident in Wales, I would welcome the opportunity for this consultation to be conducted also in England, and have drawn it to the attention of my MP Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown today, on behalf of our Residents Association.
I look forward to reading the findings of this welsh Consultation.
In the meantime, I believe the process of answering the questions raised will go a significant way towards raising awareness and understanding beyond current levels of general comprehension (and of Estate Rentcharges in particular). Finally I wish that specific reference had been made to the 1925 Act, as it would be interesting to gauge levels of understanding as to how this law applies in theory and in practice currently.
Amanda Davis
Chair Bourton Chase Residents Association, Cotswolds