Adoption for All!

We have taken a little time to think about the governments’ response to the Competition and Markets Authority recommendations in their recent Housebuilding Market Study. The CMA have recommended more adoption together with better regulation and consumer protection. We do not agree that regulation will solve all of the issues caused by privately managed public areas, only adoption will do this.

Our main concern now is to avoid a two tier system leaving existing estates privately managed and further devalued whilst new future estates are adopted. We have to push for universal adoption and ask our supporters to email their MPs asking them to put pressure on the government to change their tack and put an end to this iniquitous exploit for good.

Here is our statement which you can download and forward to your MP, councillors and the media. We have to hold the government to account – they have made promises in their election manifesto and in the King’s speech.

Please share far and wide!


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