Private Tax Collecting?

First page imageThis thoughtful paper written for HorNet by one of its members gives new insights into the role of councils in choosing the private estate model, and more importantly, suggests other ways in which councils can fund the public open spaces we are so unfairly paying for.

This is a revised paper. The original suggested that councils had flexibility over raising funding for estate maintenance under the Localism Act, but unfortunately this is not the case. They could however use council tax to raise funds.



New Housing Minister

From January 2018 we have a new housing minister, Dominic Raab. If you wish to write to him or copy him in to letters to your MP, his email is .

These frequent changes of minister will not help campaigns for land and property reform, there must be a huge learning curve for each new incumbent. A good excuse for government inaction?

Let’s write to him anyway and highlight the problems we are having on private estates with monopoly providers.

On Friday 19th January 2018 we wrote this email on behalf of HorNet:
Continue reading “New Housing Minister”


Happy New Year!

We predict it will be a good one for HorNet. Our group has grown in strength and depth. We now have 2500 FaceBook members, 200 on our mailing list and 227 estates representing over 42,000 households in our database.

We plan to conduct a wide ranging survey covering different groups of home owners to establish what the problems are for each group, and what they feel would be acceptable solutions. The results will be used to inform the direction of our campaign and support our arguments with data.

It will take a little time to set up properly, so please bear with us….
